
Confusion Prevails as New PCB Regime Grants 1-Month Contract Extension to Players

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has granted national players a one-month contract extension instead of the customary one-year extension.

The decision comes in the wake of the prolonged absence of a PCB chairman, which has led to delays in crucial board functions, including player contracts.

The election process for the vacant chairman position of the cricket board has been marred by multiple stay orders issued by various courts across the country.

These legal hurdles have impeded the smooth functioning of the PCB, leaving the board unable to offer the customary one-year contract extensions to the players.

The new central contracts were scheduled to commence on July 1, but due to the dissolution of the former Committee, the necessary approvals have been delayed.

It has come to light that Haroon Rasheed, the former chief selector of the national team, had prepared the contracts before his departure from the committee on June 21.

The committee did manage to increase the salaries of PCB employees by 10 percent for higher-ranking positions and an impressive 40 percent for lower-grade staff.

Last month, it was reported that the new central contract structure may undergo alterations, including potential changes to the procedures involved.

A source close to the cricket board has revealed that there may be a 25 percent increase in the remuneration offered to national cricketers under the new contracts.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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