
Govt Announces Massive Relief in Electricity Bills For April 2024

Energy Minister Sardar Awais Khan Leghari on Thursday announced a big decrease of Rs. 3.82 per unit in electricity tariff for April bills.

This decrease is attributed to adjustments in fuel prices, now set at Rs. 4.92 per unit compared to Rs. 7.06 last month, while previous adjustments of Rs. 4.43 per unit have been lowered to Rs. 2.75 per unit, resulting in an overall decrease of Rs. 3.82 per unit.

Leghari emphasized the government’s dedication to supporting the public at times of high inflation and extortionate energy prices.

Leghari also highlighted the pivotal role of NEPRA in determining reference tariffs for the year and subsequent adjustments. The minister stressed the significance of bridging the gap to prevent further strain on the country’s deficit.

This comes after Leghari’s warning for all chairmen of distribution companies and CEOs to eliminate power theft. He set a strict deadline of 23 April for all DISCOs to address the issue completely. He also directed strict action against power thieve
s to combat this issue effectively.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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