
IIOJK continues to reel under brutal Indian occupation, political injustice

As the World Human Rights Day is being observed across the globe, today, Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir continues to reel under violent and brutal Indian occupation and political injustice.

A report released by the Research Section of Kashmir Media Service on the occasion of the World Human Rights Day, today, said that Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948 was indeed a milestone, but the Kashmiris human rights continued to be violated with impunity. It said among 30 basic human rights enlisted in the UDHR, not even one exists in IIOJK.

The report said that Indian occupational forces had been violating the UDHR in the occupied territory for the last over 7 decades and mercilessly killing, arresting, torturing, harassing and humiliating innocent Kashmiris of every age and gender for demanding their right to self-determination.

The report pointed out that Indian troops in their unabated acts of state terrorism have martyred 96,156 innocent Kashmiris including 7,275 in custody and fake encounters since January 1989 till date.

It said that these killings rendered 22,952 women widowed and 107,887 children orphaned.

It said that the troops molested or disgraced 11,256 women and damaged 110,495 residential houses and other structures.

It maintained that Indian troops and police personnel subjected over 8,000 people to custodial disappearance during the period.

The report maintained that thousands of young school boys and girls were also injured by the pellets fired by the troops while dozens lost their eyesight completely due to the pellet injuries.

Source: Radio Pakistan

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