
NA Speaker calls for collective efforts to lead region to economic prosperity

Speaker National Assembly Raja Pervez Ashraf has called for collective efforts to lead the region to economic prosperity.

He was addressing the General Conference of the Parliamentary Assembly of Economic Cooperation Organization hosted by Azerbaijan in Baku.

Raja Pervez Ashraf said the members of Parliamentary Assembly of Economic Cooperation Organization share a common destiny of progress and prosperity.

He said as representatives of the people, it is their obligation to resolve all issues faced by common people.

The Speaker also called for seeking solutions to global and regional issues collectively for betterment of people of the region.

While referring to the struggle of the people of Karabagh for freedom, he highlighted the plight of the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir where innocent people are subjected to continued torture, discrimination, and denial of their birth right of self-determination.

The Speaker National Assembly also stressed the need of peace in Afghanistan for regional peace.

Source: Radio Pakistan

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