
Govt. Activates Shaheen Force to Fight Street Crime in Karachi

The Sindh government has taken decisive steps to address the rising concerns of street crime in Karachi, with the activation of the Shaheen Force and the convening of a provincial apex committee meeting today.

During a briefing on the law and order situation in the province, Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah informed President Asif Zardari that significant resources have been allocated to enhance the capabilities of law enforcement agencies. Notably, 168 vehicles and 120 motorcycles have been provided to the police, bolstering their operational capacity, particularly through the Mizrade One Five initiative.

The Director-General of Rangers Sindh highlighted the severity of the street crime epidemic, revealing that 49 individuals have tragically lost their lives to such incidents in Karachi over the past four months. Furthermore, 43 suspects have been apprehended through various operations, with 13 others neutralized in encounters.

In a concerted effort, the police have intensified operations against robbe
rs, resulting in the deaths of 63 suspects and the arrest of 418 individuals involved in raw material theft. Moreover, the police have successfully thwarted abduction attempts, rescuing 103 individuals, and are actively pursuing the recovery of 20 missing persons.

Despite the valiant efforts of law enforcement personnel, the sacrifices made in the line of duty cannot be overlooked, with 17 police officers martyred and 27 others sustaining injuries during operations in Kacha.

The high-level meeting, chaired by President Asif Zardari, emphasized the urgency of completing the Karachi Safe City Project and fortifying security measures along the Northern Bypass to safeguard the city’s entrances and exits. President Zardari reiterated the imperative of holding accountable those involved in vehicle and mobile theft, stressing the need for swift and decisive action against such criminal elements.

Furthermore, President Zardari underscored the importance of tenure for police officers, emphasizing that appointments
should be contingent upon performance metrics. Expressing zero tolerance for land encroachments, the President emphasized the need to uphold the rule of law and ensure the safety of all citizens, including foreign nationals such as Chinese residents.

The meeting, attended by key stakeholders including Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi, IG Sindh Ghulam Nabi Memon, and D Rangers Sindh Major General Azhar, underscores the collaborative efforts aimed at restoring peace and stability in Karachi and across the province.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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